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It warms our heart to see your beloved pets getting better after using our products.

Here's another testimonial from a satisfied client:

"I’m truly amazed by the improvement in our dog after using this! He was hit by a car when he was a small puppy and underwent major orthopedic surgery and right rear leg amputation in PEI, he’s almost 11 now and slowed down considerably this summer. By September he was unable to get up on his 1 rear leg at all, we were carrying him from his bed to the lawn and back again. He was eating lying down in his bed. We were devastated and feared the worst. I had heard about your product and figured it was a last ditch hope. Within two days he was able to stand to eat and take a few steps around the lawn, we were thrilled. It’s almost three weeks later and he’s now going on walks with me and running around like he was a puppy! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it, I can’t put into words how grateful we are, it is truly a miracle product! Thank you so much!🐶❤️"

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